Example for reading fou-file for example Tol#

The fou.nc file is read and variable is extracted. Next, the mesh data is converted to a raster and saved to a .tiff

1. Import modules#

import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
sys.path.append(currentdir + r"/HydroLogic_Inundation_toolbox")
sys.path.append(currentdir + r"/HydroLogic_Inundation_toolbox/Readers")

from flowmeshreader import load_meta_data, load_fou_data, mesh_to_tiff
from plotting import raster_plot_with_context

2. Set input and output paths#

# set paths
input_file_path = currentdir + r"/HydroLogic_Inundation_toolbox/Data/Tol/input/1PT10_fou.nc"
output_file_path = currentdir + r"/HydroLogic_Inundation_toolbox/Data/Tol/output/fou.tiff"
Path(currentdir + r"/HydroLogic_Inundation_toolbox/Data/Tol/output").mkdir(exist_ok=True)

3. Set output raster options#

# raster options
resolution = 10  # m
distance_tol = 36  # m
interpolation = r"nearest"

4. Read meta-data and set variable to read from fou.nc file#

variable = r"Mesh2d_fourier002_max_depth"
['Mesh2d_flowelem_ba', 'Mesh2d_flowelem_bl', 'mesh1d_fourier001_mean', 'Mesh2d_fourier001_mean', 'mesh1d_fourier002_max', 'Mesh2d_fourier002_max', 'mesh1d_fourier002_max_depth', 'Mesh2d_fourier002_max_depth', 'mesh1d_fourier003_min', 'Mesh2d_fourier003_min', 'mesh1d_fourier003_min_depth', 'Mesh2d_fourier003_min_depth', 'mesh1d_fourier004_mean', 'Mesh2d_fourier004_mean', 'mesh1d_fourier005_max', 'Mesh2d_fourier005_max', 'mesh1d_fourier006_min', 'Mesh2d_fourier006_min']

5. Load fou-map data from NetCDF file#

# load mesh coordinates and data from netCDF 
node_data = load_fou_data(input_file_path, variable)

6. Plot maximum water depth#

# convert to raster and save as tiff
_, _, grid_data = mesh_to_tiff(
fig, ax = raster_plot_with_context(
    raster_path = output_file_path, 
    epsg = 28992, 
    clabel = "water depth (m)", 
    cmap = "Reds", 
    title = "Maximum water depth",